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Complete the form to receive info about TopView Sightseeing

You'll always get the BEST availability at the BEST price

You won’t find it cheaper or get better availability elsewhere – guaranteed!

Help every step of the way

We’ll be there to help you every step of the way as you plan, book and take your school trip.

Support back in the classroom

We’ll then help you support learning back in the classroom with free resources and teaching ideas.

“I honestly don’t think that you could do anything better – the organisation, communication and support are all second to none!”

Jennifer Cole, Rayleigh Primary School

“You offer a fully comprehensive service with knowledgeable and professional staff”

Lavina O’Loughlin, Harrow & Uxbridge College

Enquiry - TopView Sightseeing (Non-user)

Please enter a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd preference of exact date(s) or a period of time (e.g. a certain month). Please also include your preferred time 


If you're unsure, please enter the most you think you'll need - you can always reduce this later on (without a charge).

About you
Sign Up

By completing this form, you are agreeing you have read our Privacy Policy, agree for an account to be created to manage your booking and to receive updates by email and post from The School Trip Group Ltd.

With some trips, we may need to put you in touch directly with the venue or company. By completing this form, you agree for your enquiry to be passed on for this reason.

Fancy a chat?

We’re always here to help so please get in touch directly if you have any questions or would like more information.



Or Call

020 8064 0974