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Share your thoughts on The Moonwakers

It takes just a couple of minutes and really helps us secure more free events in the future.

Event Feedback - The Moonwalkers (Jan & Feb 24)


Your thoughts on The Moonwalkers

Would you recommend The Moonwalkers to other teachers?


Trip planning in general

Please answer these questions as if you were taking a trip to Lightroom.

What would be the best time of day to bring a school group to Lightroom?
What would prefer - to bring more students and have the entire time slot to yourself? Or to have less students (and so more flexibility) but share the time slot with the public?
How would you travel to Lightroom?
Roughly, how far out are you planning your trips?


Taking a school trip to The Moonwalkers

Are you interested in taking a school trip to The Moonwalkers?
Please enter the most you think you'll need - you can always reduce this (without a charge) later on
Again, please enter the most you think you'll need - you can always reduce this (without a charge) later on
Please enter specific date(s) and a time or a general part of the year e.g. a particular month


The School Trip feedback

Please answer the below so we can continue to develop and improve what we do

Would you recommend The School Trip to other teachers?


Sharing your feedback

And finally, are we able to share this feedback with Lightroom, on our website and other channels?