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Four hundred years after Galileo’s revolutionary discoveries, two scientific satellites are launched into the Universe.

The satellites (Herschel and Planck) are space telescopes with the ability to unveil mysteries our eyes cannot see: the birth of stars and planets, and look back to the very beginning of time.

A 360° film by the European Space Agency (ESA) in celebration of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy, outlining the story of astronomy from Galileo’s simple optical telescope to today’s sophisticated diverse space telescopes.

Experience a new view of the Cosmos with live actors and stunning 3D graphics, filmed on location at various ESA sites.

Key info

Suitable for: KS4, KS5, Higher

Age Groups: 14-16, Post 16

Subjects: Physics, Science, STEM

Topics: Space, Astronomy

Type: At Venue, In-School

Duration: 45 minutes

Cost: £650 - £1,250 (09:00 - 15:00) depending on dome sizes

Dates: Ongoing

Min. Group Size: 5 students

Max. Group Size: 120 students

SEND: Yes - suitable for students with SEND

We regularly check that the costs and information are the latest and most up-to-date. However, please contact us directly if you need any further information or have a particular question. Unless specified otherwise, all prices include VAT.

All content is shared with the permission of Mobile Planetariums.
Unless stated otherwise on individual content, all rights, including content, images, and copyrights, belong to Mobile Planetariums.

Find out more about Mobile Planetarium Touching the Edge of the Universe Workshop

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