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The British Museum Samsung Virtual Visits now has a capacity of up to 900 students a week. After a huge demand, the Museum has expanded its virtual school trip offering, allowing you to still experience the best of what the British Museum has to offer.

As schools look for alternatives to traditional school trips, demand for virtual school trip ideas and virtual sessions has rocketed. To meet this new demand, the British Museum has decided to massively expand the capacity of its Samsung Virtual Visits programme. Allowing you to bring a school trip to the British Museum into the classroom.

Capacity had already been expanded to meet expected demand. But as all additional sessions booked up within just 3 weeks, the Museum increased this further for November and December. The new capacity allows up to 33 school classes a week to visit the museum virtually.

Sarah Saunders, Head of Learning and National Programmes at the British Museum, said: “We know that the Museum is hugely popular with schools, so we’re doing as much as we can to ensure pupils can still experience the wonder that is the British Museum collection during this unprecedented time.”

The British Museum's Samsung Digital Discovery Centre for the British Museum Samsung Virtual Visits
The British Museum’s Samsung Digital Discovery Centre

About the British Museum’s Samsung Virtual Visits Programme.

Launched in 2019, the British Museum’s Samsung Virtual Visits programme allows schools to virtually visit the world-renowned museum.

Virtual Visits are part of the Museum’s Samsung Digital Discovery Centre (SDDC), which in normal times provides the largest programme of digital learning activities for schools and families in any UK museum for free.

Virtual visits are beamed into your classroom via Zoom and led by a British Museum expert who will be in the Museum. You and your class will be at your school and will be the only participants during the workshop.

The sessions include direct interaction with staff through live activities, interactive quizzes and thought-provoking questions. You can tailor each session to your students’ needs and are open to schools from across all the UK.

Who are the virtual sessions suitable for?

Sessions are offered for students in KS2 and link directly to the history and science strands of the national curriculum. Sessions include explorations of the Indus Valley and Roman Britain and on pre-history Britain, where students use archaeological objects from the distant past to explore the homes of prehistoric people and compare them to their own homes.

You can also book their new session on ancient Egypt. During their Myth-busting ancient Egypt session, students become British Museum Myth-busters and develop their own perspective and judgements about ancient Egypt’s common misconceptions.

And best of all…it’s FREE!

You can take a virtual school trip to the British Museum with these new virtual visits for free! Sessions are supported through Samsung’s partnership with the museum to increase access and sharing knowledge through their state of the art technology.

The British Museum's Samsung Digital Discovery Centre for the British Museum Samsung Virtual Visits
British Museum Virtual Visits Expert

How do I book one the British Museum’s Virtual Visits?

Booking for one of the British Museum’s Samsung Virtual Visits is now open.

Booking Details for the British Museum Samsung Virtual Visits

Format: Virtual Session
Cost: FREE

Suitable for: KS2
Subject links: History & Science

Dates: Every weekday
Booking: Ongoing

Find out more and book your virtual school trip to the British Museum. 

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