101 Dalmatians

Everything you need to plan your school trip to 101 Dalmatians at Mayflower Theatre, Southampton.

School trip offer
We regularly check that the costs and information are the latest and most up-to-date. However, please contact us directly if you need any further information or have a particular question. Unless specified otherwise, all prices include VAT.

Find out more, ask a question or start planning your school trip to 101 Dalmatians

About 101 Dalmatians

Brought to life on stage with spectacular puppetry, show-stopping choreography, witty songs and irresistible puppies

Running for a limited time only

Student tickets just £19.50 each
The smash hit musical 101 Dalmatians is coming to Mayflower Theatre, starring Kym Marsh (Coronation Street, Hear’say) as the greatest villain of them all, Cruella De Vil.
When fashionista Cruella de Vil plots to swipe all the Dalmatian puppies in town to create her fabulous new fur coat, there’s trouble ahead for Pongo and Perdi and their litter of adorable, tail-wagging young pups.
Dodie Smith’s classic canine caper is brought to life on stage with spectacular puppetry, show-stopping choreography, witty songs and irresistible puppies!
This new musical is written by Douglas Hodge (music and lyrics) and Johnny McKnight (book), from a stage adaptation by Zinnie Harris.
Book your tickets now – you’d be barking mad to miss it!
“Delightful. Wild woofs of approval”
“Sheer dazzle and bonkers invention”

School trip & venue info
Curriculum links
Ages & suitability
Things to know
Find out everything you need to know about the Accessibility of this school trip in the link below.
We regularly check that the costs and information are the latest and most up-to-date. However, please contact us directly if you need any further information or have a particular question. Unless specified otherwise, all prices include VAT.
Mayflower Theatre
22-26 Commercial Road
Southampton SO15 1GE
Coach parking & drop-off
Tue: 7pm
Wed: 2pm & 7pm
Thu: 2pm & 7pm
(Other dates available without school’s discount)

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