Longtown Outdoor Learning

Everything you need to plan your school trip to Longtown Outdoor Learning.

School trip offer
We regularly check that the costs and information are the latest and most up-to-date. However, please contact us directly if you need any further information or have a particular question. Unless specified otherwise, all prices include VAT.

Find out more, ask a question or start planning your school trip to Longtown Outdoor Learning

About Longtown Outdoor Learning

Individually tailored learning programmes

Offsite activities as well as onsite activities

Automatic bursaries for children who receive free school meals
Longtown Outdoor Learning is a charity that enables young people to build their character and resilience through outdoor learning and adventure.

School trip & venue info
Curriculum links
Ages & suitability
Things to know
We regularly check that the costs and information are the latest and most up-to-date. However, please contact us directly if you need any further information or have a particular question. Unless specified otherwise, all prices include VAT.
The Court House
Hereford HR2 0LD
Coach parking & drop-off
Single day visits
Residentials from 2 days to 5 days.

Complete the form to contact Longtown Outdoor Learning
Find out more, ask a question or start planning your school trip to Longtown Outdoor Learning
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Fancy a chat?
We’re always here to help so please get in touch directly if you have any questions or would like more information.
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