The long-running National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) has relaunched as a virtual Festival for 2020. The festival will run online from 4-10 April with the support of star artists and speakers including Emma Rice.
About the National Student Drama Festival
NSDF is a charity dedicated to helping generations of talented young people all of backgrounds find their home within the arts. The mission of the festival is to empower and inspire young talent and ambition, teach skills and help launch careers and build audiences of tomorrow.
The festival usually takes part in a different city each year with the students, professionals and theatre fans. NSDF hosts hundreds of workshops, discussions, debates and masterclasses with some of the most talented professionals in British theatre.
NSDF 2020
Due to the current climate, the festival (which was meant to take place at Curve in Leicester) will now take part in a new, online format. The festival will be available to thousands online, reaching new audiences across the UK, for free.
The new festival, which will occupy the original dates of 4-10 April, will include online workshops and masterclasses. Over 30 workshops are led by some of the biggest names in British theatre, including Emma Rice, Laura Wade and Mark Ravenhill. These theatre legends are joined by companies such as Slung Low, Paines Plough, Rash Dash, Middle Child, Graeae, New Diorama and Curve.
Alongside the workshops, participants also can take part in interactive (and topical) panel discussions, an online Game Show and NSDF Quiz.
How to take part in NSDF 2020
Workshops and activities will take place online via Zoom. On-demand versions will also stream on their YouTube channel and Facebook page. Participants view the workshop they’re interested in and, when live, click the link to view or join.
To make sure participants and workshop leaders are safe online, NSDF has put new strict measures in place. All parts of the festival will take place via the Zoom app, with no recording from any participant and workshop leader. Online meetings will also only be held at specified times and in ‘neutral spaces’. More information NSDF’s safeguarding measures can be found in their programme.
Stay connected with the festival and future updates on their Twitter and Facebook pages. Join the conversation with #NSDF20.
For more information on the festival, click here.
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