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Over 2,000 years ago, ancient astronomers knew the Earth was round. They measured its diameter and distance from the Sun, knew the length of the year to the precision of our modern calendar, and developed a method for predicting eclipses. Ancient sailors navigated by the stars and some astronomers even suspected the Earth orbited the Sun.

Amazing Astronomers of Antiquity is a journey of learning from the Pantheon to the ancient Library of Alexandria to the pyramids of Egypt.

Discover why the Pantheon is an astronomical instrument, how Eratosthenes measured the Earth’s circumference, how the Saqqara Step Pyramid depicts the turning stars, who first claimed that the Earth orbits the Sun, and who created the Antikythera Mechanism with hundreds of gears to predict motions of the Sun, Moon and planets.

Key info

Suitable for: KS3, KS4, KS5, Higher

Age Groups: 11-14, 14-16, Post 16

Subjects: Geography, History, Physics, Science, STEM

Topics: Planets, Solar System, Space, STEM, Earth, Astronomy

Type: At Venue, In-School

Duration: 21 minutes

Cost: £650 - £1,250 (09:00 - 15:00) depending on dome sizes

Dates: Ongoing

Min. Group Size: 5 students

Max. Group Size: 120 students

SEND: Yes - suitable for students with SEND

We regularly check that the costs and information are the latest and most up-to-date. However, please contact us directly if you need any further information or have a particular question. Unless specified otherwise, all prices include VAT.

All content is shared with the permission of Mobile Planetariums.
Unless stated otherwise on individual content, all rights, including content, images, and copyrights, belong to Mobile Planetariums.

Find out more about Mobile Planetariums Amazing Astronomers of Antiquity Workshop

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