WWT Castle Espie’s Nests, Eggs and Baby Birds Workshop

Accompany your school trip to WWT Castle Espie with this workshop for EYFS, KS1 & KS2.
Join WWT Castle Espie and discover, through a series of games and interactive sensory challenges, the life cycle of a young duckling from the egg to hatching and beyond. Discover how they develop and how the parent birds look after them.
Informative and engaging, WWT Castle Espie’s curriculum-linked learning sessions make the most of the fantastic outdoor environments and are suitable for a range of ages and abilities.
Led by experienced staff, sessions are very much hands-on, promoting learning through exploration and discovery.

Key info
We regularly check that the costs and information are the latest and most up-to-date. However, please contact us directly if you need any further information or have a particular question. Unless specified otherwise, all prices include VAT.