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Bring your students to these fun and engaging Animal Workshops, wich they can experience in-person or through an online platform.

Suitable for all Key Stages, these Animal Workshops explore a range of topics from arthropods and underwater creatures to the evolution of species and shelter building.

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Jump straight to our Animal Workshops.

Click on the quick links or find out more about each of the workshops below.

Cogges Manor Farm’s Enchanted Cogges (Full Day) Workshop

This workshops aim is to provide a light hearted exploration of Cogges, using their imagination to find ‘fairies’, create woodland creatures and environmental art, plant seeds and build shelters.

This workshop was created at the request of a local school and they are now offering it out to other schools. Based around the idea of ‘fairies’ at Cogges this workshop looks at where fairies might live, creating a creature that might live alongside fairies, planting a seed, creating environmental art and a fairy shelter.

Learning outcomes:
Thinking about habitats and what different animals need to live
Understanding what plants need to grow
Creating imagery using found resources
Creating a structure using natural material
Creating a story of magical creatures at Cogges


Suitable for: KS1, KS2

Subjects: Art & Design, English, Maths, Science

Find out more about Cogges Manor Farm’s Enchanted Cogges (Full Day) Workshop.

Cogges Manor Farm’s Farming for Food (Full Day) Workshop

This workshops aim is to enhance the students’ understanding of farming and the provenance of healthy and environmentally sustainable food production. Considering how our choices impact the planet e.g. air miles and ethical choices that need to be made to feed an ever increasing population.

This is an in-depth programme delivering a 360-degree appreciation of bringing a farmed product to market. students are hands-on throughout the day and involved from the start of the farming process where they see where the produce is grown or reared, consider different produce that comes from a farm, prepare a product, design the packaging, and end the day with a final finished product which is market ready.

Learning outcomes:
– Develop a knowledge of farming systems and processes, both past and present.
– Know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared and processed.
– Appreciate the wide variety of issues that influence the decisions farmers make.
– Understand their own role as a consumer and reflect on their food decisions
– Think about how we can continue to feed an ever increasing population with the space and lad we have around us.


Suitable for: KS2

Subjects: Art & Design, English, History, Maths, Science

Find out more about Cogges Manor Farm’s Farming for Food (Full Day) Workshop.

Cogges Manor Farm’s Jack and the Bean Stalk (Half Day) Workshop

This workshops aim is to engage younger students in the exploration of the story of Jack and the Bean stalk.

Based on the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk, students look at growing from a seed, making a bed, finding some eggs, creating baked impressions of the giant’s footprints and milking the model cow. This is a lively and interactive workshop where all students are involved. Including a special puppet surprise at the end!

Learning outcomes:
Learn about and identify different eggs
Create giant footstep shaped biscuits
Make a bed to sleep in
Understand what a seed needs to grow
Understand where milk comes from and why farmers keep cows

Suitable for: EYFS, KS1

Subjects: Citizenship, English, Maths, PSHE, Science

Find out more about Cogges Manor Farm’s Jack and the Bean Stalk (Half Day) Workshop.

Cogges Manor Farm’s Little Red Hen and Farmyard Friends (Half Day) Workshop

This workshops aim is to give younger students an understanding of where food comes from and how it is made.

Based on the story of Little Red Hen, students look at growing from a seed, grinding flour and baking bread. This is a lively and interactive workshop where all students are involved. Including a special puppet surprise at the end!

Learning outcomes:
– To experience and interact first-hand with the whole process from seed through to a baked loaf of bread.
– To appreciate and participate in all the stages of food production from holding the seed, seeing where it is planted, grinding flour and baking bread.

Suitable for: EYFS, KS1

Subjects: Citizenship, English, History, Maths, PSHE, Science

Find out more about Cogges Manor Farm’s Little Red Hen and Farmyard Friends (Half Day) Workshop.

Cogges Manor Farm’s Old MacDonald – Story and Rhyme (Half Day) Workshop

This workshops aim is to give younger students a fun and interactive tour of the farm. Learning through stories and rhymes about the different animals and the different aspects of farming.

Students take a tour of the whole of the site at Cogges Manor farm and are introduced to and learn about the different animals. They take part in stories, songs and rhymes associated with the animals and their journey is tied together through Old MacDonald had a farm. This is a fun and stimulating workshop and brings a host of key learning areas to life. Including a special puppet surprise at the end

Learning outcomes:
– To identify and learn about the different animals at Cogges Manor Farm.
– To get a first-hand experience of a farm/agricultural environment.
– To enhance a love of reading and language through stories and rhymes associated with the animals on the farm with a focus on Old MacDonald had a Farm.

Suitable for: EYFS, KS1

Subjects: English, Geography, History, Maths, Science

Find out more about Cogges Manor Farm’s Old MacDonald – Story and Rhyme (Half Day) Workshop.

Cogges Manor Farm’s Stick Day (Half Day) Workshop

This workshops aim is to give younger students confidence in creativity. To look at specific books such as ‘Stanley’s Stick’ and ‘Stickman’ and to engage with them at a deeper level.

Immersing themselves in the idea that sticks can be anything, either focusing on Stanley’s Stick or Stickman (usually time of year dependent). Students will create shelters with sticks, learn about different sticks and create bread-sticks to take home. They will hunt hidden stick characters create their own and have fun with sticks. This is a creative workshop encouraging students to have fun outdoors. Including a special puppet surprise at the end!

Learning outcomes:
– Creating a stick creature
– Searching for hidden stick characters and spelling out a word
– Working together to create a stick shelter
– Creating bread-sticks, learning sticks come in many forms
– Measuring with sticks

Suitable for: EYFS, KS1

Subjects: Art & Design, Citizenship, English, Maths, PSHE, Science

Find out more about Cogges Manor Farm’s Stick Day (Half Day) Workshop.

Cogges Manor Farm’s Wildlife and Growing (Full Day) Workshop

This workshops aim is to establish in students an understanding and appreciation of the natural environment around them. The interdependence of all creatures and food chains.

Students will take a tour of the whole site at Cogges Manor Farm and will become nature detectives – seeking out animal habitats, learning about plants and taking a hands-on role in planting their seedling and making their own compost. This is a fun, outdoor workshop that can be tailored to the different seasons of the year.

Learning outcomes:
– To have a greater understanding of local wildlife. See first-hand where different animals live and what they eat.
– To look closely at different plants and understand their life cycle and what they need to grow.
– Learn how to plant a seedling, study a pollinator and make some good quality compost to feed their plants on in the Autumn, harvest vegetables from the garden

Please note: This is designed to be a full day workshop, but there is flexibility and they are happy to try and work around your timings if required.