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Bring your students to these fun and engaging Drawing Workshops, which they can experience in-person or online.

Suitable for all Key Stages, these Drawing Workshops explore a range of drawing techniques to empower your students with practical skills.

Jump straight to our Drawing Workshops.

Click on the quick links or find out more about each of the workshops below.

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A Welsh Coal Mining Experience Craft of Hearts Workshop

Jo is the artist in residence at the museum’s arts and crafts centre, offering activities and workshops for all ages. An excellent opportunity to make something to take home at the end of the day.

A Welsh Coal Mining Experience would be delighted to work with you to tailor your visit around the needs of your group. Mix and match activities to suit and do as many as you like!

Suitable for: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5, Higher

Subjects: Art & Design, Citizenship, History

Find out more about A Welsh Coal Mining Experience Craft of Hearts Workshop.

A Welsh Coal Mining Experience Make a Miner’s Helmet Workshop

Use shapes and symmetry to make a helmet – don’t forget to take it home with you!

A Welsh Coal Mining Experience would be delighted to work with you to tailor your visit around the needs of your group. Mix and match activities to suit and do as many as you like!

Suitable for: KS2

Subjects: Art & Design, History

Find out more about A Welsh Coal Mining Experience Make a Miner’s Helmet Workshop.

A Welsh Coal Mining Experience Rhondda Portraits Workshop

Explore art through the choice of colours, composition and light, and draw your own self-portrait.

A Welsh Coal Mining Experience would be delighted to work with you to tailor your visit around the needs of your group. Mix and match activities to suit and do as many as you like!

Suitable for: KS2, KS3

Subjects: Art & Design, History

Find out more about A Welsh Coal Mining Experience Rhondda Portraits Workshop.

Adventures in Art at the Walker Art Gallery KS1 Workshop

Especially designed for Key Stage 1, this workshop focuses on simple and fun art activities that enable children to discover the Walker Art Gallery’s collection. We will show our youngest scholars that the gallery is a space for interaction and creativity, helping to foster a love of art that will last a lifetime.

This workshop weaves storytelling and quick gallery games to engage young children with our artworks.

Introducing the concept of what a collection is and what an art gallery is for, the workshop then moves on to a whistle-stop tour of our gallery highlights.

Your friendly facilitator will use an exciting narrative to link the artworks together and the workshop concludes with the children sculpting their own mini creations surrounded by the splendour of our sculpture gallery.

All our taught workshops take place on gallery amongst our incredible collection of artworks, making this an authentic and valuable way to boost your student’s cultural capital.

Suitable for: KS1

Subjects: Art & Design, English

Find out more about Adventures in Art at the Walker Art Gallery KS1 Workshop.

Cogges Manor Farm’s Enchanted Cogges (Full Day) Workshop

This workshops aim is to provide a light hearted exploration of Cogges, using their imagination to find ‘fairies’, create woodland creatures and environmental art, plant seeds and build shelters.

This workshop was created at the request of a local school and they are now offering it out to other schools. Based around the idea of ‘fairies’ at Cogges this workshop looks at where fairies might live, creating a creature that might live alongside fairies, planting a seed, creating environmental art and a fairy shelter.

Learning outcomes:
Thinking about habitats and what different animals need to live
Understanding what plants need to grow
Creating imagery using found resources
Creating a structure using natural material
Creating a story of magical creatures at Cogges


Suitable for: KS1, KS2

Subjects: Art & Design, English, Maths, Science

Find out more about Cogges Manor Farm’s Enchanted Cogges (Full Day) Workshop.

Cogges Manor Farm’s Stick Day (Half Day) Workshop

This workshops aim is to give younger students confidence in creativity. To look at specific books such as ‘Stanley’s Stick’ and ‘Stickman’ and to engage with them at a deeper level.

Immersing themselves in the idea that sticks can be anything, either focusing on Stanley’s Stick or Stickman (usually time of year dependent). Students will create shelters with sticks, learn about different sticks and create bread-sticks to take home. They will hunt hidden stick characters create their own and have fun with sticks. This is a creative workshop encouraging students to have fun outdoors. Including a special puppet surprise at the end!

Learning outcomes:
– Creating a stick creature
– Searching for hidden stick characters and spelling out a word
– Working together to create a stick shelter
– Creating bread-sticks, learning sticks come in many forms
– Measuring with sticks

Suitable for: EYFS, KS1

Subjects: Art & Design, Citizenship, English, Maths, PSHE, Science

Find out more about Cogges Manor Farm’s Stick Day (Half Day) Workshop.

Tour and Draw at the Walker Art Gallery Workshop

What is art? Who is an artist? This tour with a twist takes children on a journey through our gallery as we visit the highlights of their collection.

Students will discover that although the way art has been produced over the years has changed, the artist’s core role, to make and create in response to the world they live in, endures.

This workshop is a fantastic way to embed the value that art is for everyone.

Suitable for: KS2

Subjects: Art & Design, English

Find out more about Tour and Draw at the Walker Art Gallery Workshop.

Horniman Museum and Gardens’ Art Portfolio Workshop

This workshop is tailored to your topic or students’ interests; with over 3,000 objects in their unique Handling Collection, their Learning Officers will select a variety of artefacts for your students to sketch and photograph.

From traditional art and textiles from around the world to natural forms, students will have a fantastic opportunity to develop their still life sketching skills and form ideas and concepts around their own work. Students will have the chance to handle and closely study the objects, repositioning and arranging them as they choose, whilst exploring new textures and forms and being inspired by the stories behind them.

Please bring your sketchbooks and pencils with you.

This session is not available on a Tuesday.

Suitable for: KS3, KS4

Subjects: Art & Design, Anthropology

Find out more about Horniman Museum and Gardens’ Art Portfolio Workshop.

Horniman Museum and Gardens’ Masks Around the World Workshop

Learn about the design, uses and cultural significance of masks as you try on a wonderful selection of masks from around the world in this hands-on workshop.

Discover the amazing stories told by masks: from the Mexican ‘Dance of the Old Men’ to the Indonesian tale of good and evil with Barong and Rangda. Explore how masks are constructed with their use in mind, from dancing to welding, and why the choice of material is so important. Discover some of the occasions that masks are worn for along with their cultural significance, and transform yourself by trying some of them on!

This workshop can be tailored to your topic; let them know if you are learning about masks from a particular region, or are interested in a particular element of their construction (such as mechanisms or materials). Students can also bring their sketchbooks for the opportunity to sketch their fantastic mask collection – just let them know when you make your booking.

The Horniman’s fantastic World Gallery is the perfect place to explore your topic further; on display are a stunning array of masks from around the world, ranging from Oceania to North America.

Suitable for: KS3, KS4

Subjects: Art & Design, Citizenship, Anthropology

Find out more about Horniman Museum and Gardens’ Masks Around the World Workshop.

Kelmscott Manor’s William Morris: Great Artist and Designer Workshop

Students will get up close with William Morris’s life and ideas as they explore his inspirational country home and learn about his relevance and influence today. They’ll become pattern detectives, artists, and makers as they follow in William Morris’s footsteps to design and print their own repeat patterns inspired by the environment around them.

Their workshops usually begin at 9.45am and finish at 2.15pm. Please get in touch if you have any time constraints – they will adjust the timings where possible. If you’d like to work with them on a longer project, speak to the Learning & Outreach Officer about how they can produce a programme of activities to take place onsite and in the classroom over a few weeks, a term, or even a full year.

Suitable for: KS2

Subjects: Art & Design, Fashion & Textiles, History

Find out more about Kelmscott Manor’s William Morris: Great Artist and Designer Workshop.