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Learn the ropes of Elizabethan seafaring in The Golden Hinde’s flagship programme for KS3 & KS4.

Hands-on, and jam-packed with activities, students are encouraged to develop a deep understanding of the workings of a 16th-century ship to add colour to their understanding of key historical events.

Through a number of short workshops, students will be encouraged to utilise the environment of the ship and its replica collection to uncover more about a variety of aspects of maritime life including raising the anchor, the living conditions, navigation, gunnery and medicine.

The Tudor Maritime workshop can focus either on Francis Drake’s circumnavigation or the 1588 Armada and students will utilise their new understanding to help them tackle the big historical questions surrounding these topics.

Students will also be provided with their pre and post-visit resources, designed to encourage them to get the most out of their visit.


Learning Objectives (Circumnavigation focus)

  • To understand the motivations behind Drake’s circumnavigation and its impact on the early modern world.
  • To utilise the environment of the ship and its replica collection to gain a deep understanding of the difficulties and dangers faced by 16th-century mariners.
  • To develop historical skills of enquiry, comparison, and debate.


Learning Objectives (Armada focus)

  • To recognise the factors that impacted the failure of the 1588 Armada and be able to argue their importance.
  • To utilise the environment of the ship and its replica collection to gain a clear understanding of the difficulties and dangers faced by 16th-century mariners and how they relate to the 1588 Armada.
  • To develop historical skills of enquiry, comparison and debate.

Key info

Suitable for: KS3, KS4

Age Groups: 11-14, 14-16

Subjects: History

Topics: Tudors, Elizabethans, Explorers, Sir Francis Drake

Type: At Venue

Duration: 2 hours, 30 minutes

Cost: £25 per student

Dates: Ongoing

Min. Group Size: 15

Max. Group Size: Groups larger than 30 will be split in multiple sessions

SEND: Yes - suitable for students with SEND

We regularly check that the costs and information are the latest and most up-to-date. However, please contact us directly if you need any further information or have a particular question. Unless specified otherwise, all prices include VAT.

Find out more about The Golden Hinde’s Tudor Maritime KS3 & KS4 Workshop

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Explore the history surrounding Francis Drake’s circumnavigation & life at sea with The Golden Hinde's educational workshop for KS3 & KS4.

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