Bring your students to these fun and engaging Biology Workshops, which they can experience in-person or through an online platform.
Suitable for all Key Stages, these Biology Workshops explore a range of topics from animals habitats and birds feeding techniques to plastic pollution and biodiversity.
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Jump straight to our Biology Workshops.
Click on the quick links or find out more about each of the workshops below.
Explorer Dome’s Body Show Workshop
A hands-on guide to diet and digestion to experience why you really are what you eat. Find out what we eat and where it goes. Their body show is all about disgusting digestion from top to bottom!
They have two separate human biology shows.
Their Human Body show is a fun filled, disgusting journey to find out what happens to your food from plate to poo! Their Cell show discusses the fundamental units of living things from the perspective of human cells that make up our adapted tissues, organs and systems. Both shows are available for KS3 students.
Click here to see a full up-to-date price list.
Find out more about Explorer Dome’s Body Show Workshop.
Explorer Dome’s Cell Show Workshop
Delve deep within to float inside a gigantic cell. From organisms to organelles, discuss the units of life – their diversity in scale, form and function and the marvels of the genetic code.
They have two separate human biology shows.
Their Human Body show is a fun filled, disgusting journey to find out what happens to your food from plate to poo! Their Cell show discusses the fundamental units of living things from the perspective of human cells that make up our adapted tissues, organs and systems. Both shows are available for KS3 students.
Click here to see a full up-to-date price list.
Find out more about Explorer Dome’s Cell Show Workshop.
Explorer Dome’s Environment Show Workshop
Visit some of the great natural habitats of Earth, build food webs and see how animals are adapted to their environments and see the role we play in our changing planet. Enjoy finding out about our amazing planet.
Their Environment show tours habitats of our world, foodwebs and the role humans play within the ecosystem.
The show varies a great deal for different audiences.
Click here to see full up-to-date list of prices.
Find out more about Explorer Dome’s Environment Show Workshop.
Horniman Museum and Gardens’ Animals and their Habitats Workshop
How have animals adapted to their homes? Discover for yourself as you get hands on with taxidermy animals from different habitats.
Identify animals, examine their features and think about some of the challenges these creatures face in our changing world.
Find out more about Horniman Museum and Gardens’ Animals and their Habitats Workshop.
Horniman Museum and Gardens’ Seeds, Plants and People Workshop
This exiting hands-on workshop explores everything about plants through objects, life plants and artefacts.
Discover how seeds are dispersed, why people need plants and how plants are used by peoples around the world.
After a short introduction to a flowering plant life cycle and seed dispersal, all students will explore three stations. Observe real seeds and find out how they are dispersed; explore a variety of plants and their uses; learn about cultures by discovering plant based artefacts from around the world. We will finish by discussing the role of animals in seed dispersal, why we cannot live without plants and how plants are used in different cultures.
Find out more about Horniman Museum and Gardens’ Seeds, Plants and People Workshop.
Oxford University Museum of Natural History’s Biodiversity and Evolution Online Lesson
Explore the relationship between organisms and their environment.
Understand that adaptation and selection are major components of evolution and make a significant contribution to the diversity of life. Understand that classification and taxonomy is a means of organising and naming the variety of life. Use their historic collections to find out how classification systems have changed and will continue to change as our knowledge of biology develops.
Oxford University Museum of Natural History is home to an internationally important collection of over 5 million insects. Insects are divided into orders base